
Wedding Zine


‘Til death do us party


Create an invite for the biggest day of our lives — something original, unconventional, and compelling enough to entice everyone we know to venture across the country and celebrate with us.


Employ the skills (the same ones that brought us together and are responsible for this whole affair) that we use every day to create a wedding zine.

Let’s groove

Pretentious? Maybe. Egocentric? Slightly. Self-serving? Aren’t all weddings?

We didn’t have time to write a short letter, so we wrote a long one instead. And it was pretty damn fun. It had been a few years since we’d been partners on a project and seeing as that’s how we met, there’s a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ in having it all come full circle.


#1 most talked about wedding invite

shares and impressions through the roof

91% response rate

off the wall Engagement rates

it’s all in the details

And there were a lot of them. We’re transplants to the Seattle, which meant 95% of our family and friends would be taking planes, trains, and automobiles to get out here for the wedding. It’s asking a lot, so we wanted to make everything as easy as possible. That meant think of everything. And, well, that couldn’t be done in just one little zine. The zine was meant to whet your appetite, but for the main course, we needed to build an entire companion site.

Going above and beyond the utility of a normal wedding website.

Travel is complex, and naturally we’d love to play tour guide for everyone, but we had a party to throw, so we tried to get in front of everything with our website covering off on the schedule, how to get to the venue, where to stay, things to do, and an exhaustive list of FAQs.

For a lot of our friends and family, this would be their first trip out to Seattle — and rather than just flying in for a wedding and out the next day, we wanted to give them an opportunity to fall in love with all our favorite things about the area. We built an entire page with our favorite things to do in the city, and out of it, so they could take advantage of everything the Pacific Northwest has to offer.

What People Are Saying


“i love it! Dopest invite i have ever seen.”

— Ariel, Culver City, California


“What kind of fun things should we do in seattle?”

— Someone who didn’t read the website, Lansing, Michigan


“Can I get Another one?”

— Gabriel, Seattle, Washington

“You are so creative. what’s a QR Code?”

— Mom


“That’s the Coolest. invitation i’ve ever seen!”

— Aurora, Detroit, Michigan


“So Cool!”

— Jim (father of the bride), St. Clair, Michigan


Cloud Cultures


AI In A Minute